So my “little big” man, Adin, just lost his first tooth. Well, if you asked him, he had already lost one a LOONNGG time ago. You see, when his teeth first came in, he had this big and beautiful HUGE gap between his two front top teeth (Lauren Hutton, eat your heart out). He has always pointed to his “gap” and told people that he lost a tooth. He has been doing this since he could talk. (I have always found this sad, and humorous.) Well, he finally HAS lost a tooth, but on the bottom.
I took these photos of him as soon as it came out, so you get to see the giant hole, all gooey and nasty. YUM. He thought it was so funny that his bloody tooth face would be posted on the blog. With his tooth gone on the bottom (and his *GAP*), he could stick his little tongue out.