If you know me, you know I love music. And almost just as much as I love music, I love taking photos of artists at work- especially musicians.
This is not the first time our friend Greg Laswell has been featured here on the blog. You may remember our photos of his show last fall, or us mentioning that his song was on our new Senior website. We were happy that his latest tour had a stop in Columbus. We headed up there, hung out a couple hours with Greg (I talked his ear off about how much our kids love him), and then we watched the show.
Oh, and just when I think the passion of my love for my Canon Mark II may be calming down, I get to shoot something like this…no flash, no lights but a few stage lights.
I {heart} you Mark II.
Love this shot….
This one too.
Brandon, rocking it out.
through the crowd…
And if you haven’t heard Greg’s music, go and get acquainted HERE. You can thank me later.
P.S. Happy Birthday today to my baby sister, and best friend in the world Ashley. Here is a photo I took of her last summer, in all her gorgeousness.
Love you ASHIE!!!