I have to admit, this family was a complete breeze to photograph. They are super adorable, and knew how to just be themselves. We had a load of fun running around a part of town that we had never shot in….and the spontaneity of that, along w/their incredibly laid back nature, made it seem like we weren’t working at all.
When you shoot your first frame and it comes out like this, you know it’s gonna be a good day!
the family totem pole.
cutie pie josie.
love this! these girls are ADORABLE.
fall /winter textures ROCK.
I can’t tell you how big this photo makes me SMILE. I think I owned that same little jacket and have pics of myself in it when I was 2!! Meredith, you dress your kids so darn cute!
I want to blow this up for our studio…this little photo does no justice to the authentic family moment happening. Mama Meredith getting her eyeball ripped by her baby!! SOOO been there.
Perfection x 5.
Josie’s looking up at the crazy man in the tree…I’m sure you all can guess I was the one on ground level.
Beautiful Olivia….she decided to try out the playground.
Chris your face is priceless.
Emma is a total sweetheart. Who knew there were 13 yr. old’s who are polite, and kind? She loves guitar, so we wanted to capture that.
“Little bear ears” likes to pluck the strings on big sis’s guitar.
Lovely Mama moment.
(BTW, she’s one flipping HOT Mama.)
Ok, I need to preface this next section…when we met them this day it was FA-REEEZZZZING. They showed us the clothes they brought along, and said, “I don’t know if you know this show called ‘Mad Men,’ but we brought family costumes.” AYKM???!! I could have photoed them allll day in these clothes. In fact, if it wasn’t 30 degrees out, we may have.
This first one titled “body language” rocks my socks.
Hello amazing sun flare!!
(p.s. studio3z fact: we only use 100% real sunflare. Never adding any photoshop flare. Like, why would we? It’s there…It’s free!)
Josie! The star of the show!
If you saw the post yesterday, you saw this.
One of my favorite family photos we’ve ever taken.
And, I think the star of the show has changed!!!
LOVE LOVE this shot. Can you believe this was shot in 2009?
Oh my GOODNESS!!! Brett and I were GA-GA for this family. They were amazingness.
Meredith, Chris, Emma, Olivia, and sweet lil’ Josie…you guys were such a pleasure to hang with and photograph. So glad you found us and were sucked in after watching our blog!
much love!