Today the mother of my Daddy turns 93 years old, or young if you ask her. And trust me, if you knew her you would agree.
My grandma is the type of person you meet and you never forget. She stands out from the crowd. She holds her own. She has a voice that longs to be heard.
In a way you could say that my love of photographs comes from her. From the time I can remember, she has sat me down with a stack of old photographs, pointing each person out and sharing their story. When visiting her it is something you can count on- she will have somehow received new photos that she is eager to share. Her love of history and genealogy is like no one else. I find the stories so fascinating that she recalls from being a little child growing up deep in Kentucky.
One thing I love most about her is her sense of humor. When she had a stroke and was in the hospital a few years back, part of her recovery became “dancing” in the hallways. She often pulled in nurses and doctors to show them how to do the moves. She is full of jokes- often a bit *ahem* “rough on the edges”….but her zest for life amazes us all. She loves to have fun.
These are a few photos below that I snagged off of her Facebook. If you follow me on twitter then you saw my tweet last night. She called me and told me to go check out the new “hot” pictures of her on Facebook.
In the first one she was 17 and had a 5 month old baby. She is quite proud of that figure! The second photo is of her and my grandfather.
The little boy in the two bottom photos is my Daddy…isn’t he a cutie? And I’ve always thought my grandma was hot stuff in that bottom right photo.
Here she is with my Grandpa- probably in the early 90′s. They were married 63 years before my Grandfather passed.
5 kids together
13 grandchildren
24 great grandchildren
1 great great grandchild, and 1 more coming soon!
(correct me if I’m wrong Grandma!!)
My three kiddos loving on Grandma at her 90th birthday. Look how little Riah is!!
I didn’t mention how talented my grandma is with quilting and sewing….She has made so many amazing works of art. I am honored to own a couple myself, and will always cherish them.
A recent photo of my babies with their great-grandma.
Love you Grandma!!! You are loved by so many. Hope you have a great day today!
Please leave my grandma some birthday love…..I know it would MAKE her day!!